Software 4 Schools - Engagement and Security

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Total Infractions

In this article, you will learn about viewing Total Infractions report. The purpose of this report is to give schools the highest possible level of reporting of infractions per week.


  • Use the search filters to narrow down the results of the multiple day report. You can select Date Range criteria along with Infractions using the dropdown menus. ALL is selected as default in Infractions.

  • All results are rolled up by week beginning.

  • The universally recognized week numbers of the year are displayed on the page.

  • Periods, as defined by your Bell Schedules. Periods are deliberately rolled together by period number regardless of time offsets due to different schedules. 

  • The number of infractions per week per period are displayed in the cells.

  • To use the report offline, download it in Excel spreadsheet format by clicking on the icon.

To access, click on the Reports icon available at the top bar and select the tab for Total Infractions.