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Manage Groups

Groups allow you to put announcements into buckets. You can create as many groups as you wish to organize your announcements. Click on the Groups tab to view all groups. You can search for a particular group by entering the filter value in the Search textbox. You can...

Calendar Overview

Calendar displays all active and non-active announcements in one page. The colors on the calendar are controlled by the groups. You can search through all the announcements and find a specific one by entering text in Search event textbox. Also, you can filter the...

Email Announcements

You can send emails to your staff by using Email Announcements option. In order to so, follow the steps mentioned below. You can select “Announcements For” today, tomorrow or Monday. You can choose “Monday” if sending out on Friday before the...

Read Announcements

Read Announcements is a page where you can easily read the current day’s announcements. So, if you read the announcements over a PA in the morning, you can visit this page for reading them off.  You can select Today, Tomorrow or Monday from the Date dropdown to...

Add Announcement

On this page, you can create or add a new announcement. In order to do so, follow the steps mentioned below. Click on the Create Announcement button available at the Announcement page. A dialog box for “Creating New Announcement” will pop-up allowing you...