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Hobbies and Biography

In this article, you will learn how to include candidate details such as hobbies and biography as part of the candidate profile.
While setting up an election, there is an option to show a candidate picture and maximum two text boxes.

For example, first box is labeled as
Biography while second box number is labeled as Hobbies.
The titles of these sections and the input entered in the box is customizable.

Display Candidate Option


To use the text boxes when setting up or editing an election, select Display Candidate option that includes Name, Picture & Biography.

  • Click on the Edit button against the Candidate Description #1 or #2 to modify the label that students will see.
    For example you might want it change the title to Description instead of Biography.

Access the settings by clicking on the System Settings button available on the home/dashboard page.

When a student votes, they will see the title in the election. In the screenshot, Biography title is visible.
If you don't want to show one of these sections, just leave the title blank.