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Benefits of an Associated Student Body

Benefits of an Associated Student Body

There’s nothing more fun for students who want to help their school than an Associated Student Body (ASB). Ranging from student government to planning committees, an ASB allows students to increase school spirit, raise funds for their school, plan student events,...
Best School Check-In System

Best School Check-In System

Schools host a lot of events over the school year, and it’s important to have a check in, check out system for students. These systems allow you to see what your students are attending as well as ensure that attendees have a ticket! Traditional check in systems, like...
Top 4 Benefits of Ticketing 4 Schools

Top 4 Benefits of Ticketing 4 Schools

How many times have you attended a school hosted event only to discover that the line is a mile long? Or maybe you’ve had someone wait in line for upwards of half an hour only to discover they’ve left their tickets in their car. Scenarios like this are common in the...
4 Ways To Promote High School Events

4 Ways To Promote High School Events

Organizing high school events is one thing, but promoting them successfully is another. It can be challenging to host a successful event, yet it’s even more challenging to attract the wider community and draw the vast numbers required for successful fundraising....